Margaret Sanger Papers Project Summer Internships – New York City

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The Margaret Sanger Papers Project has offered summer internships since 1995. Graduate and undergraduate students from universities in the U.S. and Europe have worked with the editorial staff on our microfilm, book and digital publications and received broad experience in historical research and editing.

For 2013, we will be offering internships related to our digital and web outreach projects. While most of our internships are arranged during the summer months, we can arrange internship during the academic year as well.

We ask that interns be familiar with IBM-based computers, using Windows, have good research skills and the ability to do careful and detailed work. A background in history, women’s history, the history of medicine, and XML encoding are desirable. This is a popular program and we often receive far more applications than we can fill. Candidates for these positions are ranked based on the Project’s specific needs.

Digital Internships

We continue work on our digital edition of Sanger’s speeches and articles, focusing on texts written by Margaret Sanger from the 1940s through the 1960s. Interns will be taught to encode transcriptions using XML/TEI encoding, draft subject index entries for the documents, and conduct research to verify dates, titles, and publication information, or to identify the names of people, organizations and books mentioned in the documents. Digital interns will also work with the Project editors on copyright clearance for the texts, and will continue to search for additional Sanger texts. More on the electronic edition. We anticipate having only one of these internships this summer.

We are also participating in a pilot project called Editors’ Notes, and seek an intern to help us digitize research materials and primary source materials from 1914, upload it into the Editors’ notes platform, and evaluate the platform and recommend adjustments. We are looking for a student familiar with historical research, digitization and use of the web for research. More on Editors’ Notes. We anticipate having only one of these internships this summer.

Web Outreach Internship

We are also looking for interns to help with our web presence for the Project, utilizing digital tools such as our Facebook site and research blog, and website analysis to draw attention to the project’s work and connect with our audiences. For this internship, familiarity with history, HTML and the web is required. We anticipate having only one of these internships this summer.

General Information

Interns work from 10-4 on weekdays only. Interns should expect to devote at least 150 hours to the Project. This can be arranged flexibly over the summer (either full time for a short period or part time for a longer one). . Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, we are unable to offer payment for internships, though many interns have been able to apply their work for credit at their own universities.

For those applying from outside New York City, NYU offers student housing during the summer months. Prices vary depending on accommodations and whether or not interns enroll in NYU’s summer program. Many interns have also been able to locate reasonably priced off-campus housing.

To apply:

Please send a copy of the application form, a resume, and one letter of recommendation by March 1, 2013, to:

Dr. Cathy Moran Hajo
Associate Editor/Assistant Director
Margaret Sanger Papers Project
Department of History
New York University
53 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012-1098.
Voice: (212) 998-8666
FAX: (212) 995-4017

Internships can also be arranged throughout the year.