London Rare Book School Announces Modules in Digital Scholarly Editing

For the third year in a row, the London Rare Books School <> is pleased to offer modules in Digital Scholarly Editing. Taught by several scholars with years of practical editing experience, the two modules feature a unique blend of theoretical and hands-on training in the fundamentals of textual editing with digital technologies. Students will also be able to handle rare books and manuscripts, in addition to being in close proximity to a wealth of archives in London.

Registration is open, and there is still time to apply for bursaries. The deadline to apply for bursaries is 13 March 2020.

LRBS Students can also opt to receive MA-level postgraduate credit at the Institute of English Studies, which is part of the School of Advanced Study, University of London.

The introductory editing module (15–19 June 2020) surveys the traditions and principles of scholarly editing and textual scholarship, complemented with hands-on workshops on the fundamentals of creating digital editions, including a rigorous overview of the Text Encoding Initiative guidelines. For more information, including registration, see <>.

The advanced editing module (22–26 June 2020) takes your digital editing further, showing through several hands-on workshops how to use advanced TEI encoding, XPath and XSLT for searching and processing, as well as text analysis tools for edition data. For more information, including registration, see <>.

Courses fees are £650 (standard) and £520 (student), with discounts for multiple course bookings. Fees include documentary material, sandwich lunches and coffee and tea. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until a course is full.