Call For Papers, Modern Language Association Meeting 2021

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Marginalia and footnotes are their own genres, but most editors concentrate on the main body of a text. Yet material outside that text body, whether as marginalia or footnotes, can have great bearing on the meaning of the main document.

Marginalia and footnotes raise a number of questions:

  • What is the function of such material?
  • Who made the marks, and when, where, and why?
  • As editors, what do we do with them?
  • Historically, how have copyists and editors treated these sometimes-troublesome forms of textual material?
  • When should handwritten or printed marginalia and footnotes in a document be incorporated in a new scholarly edition, and
  • How should it be done?
  •  Should we even bother?

For a guaranteed session at the Toronto MLA, the Association for Documentary Editing invites your 300-word abstract, half-page CV, and contact information to Carol DeBoer-Langworthy, Queries to same address. Deadline: 20 March 2020.

For more about the 2010 MLA Meeting from 7 to 10 January in Toronto, click this link.

Deadline: 20 March 2020