Pinckney Statesmen Papers Project Announces Publication of Volume 1

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The Pinckney Statesmen Papers Project is delighted to announce the publication of Volume 1 of the Papers of the Revolutionary Era Pinckney Statesmen Digital Edition. The volume is available online now through Rotunda, the digital imprint of the University of Virginia Press, at PREVIEW ACCESS IS FREE TO ALL THROUGH JANUARY 31. Access will be by purchase of an individual or institutional license at a modest cost thereafter.

The Papers of the Revolutionary Era Pinckney Statesmen Digital Edition is a multi-year initiative to collect, transcribe, annotate, and publish the correspondence and other public and private papers of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (1746–1825), his brother Thomas Pinckney (1750–1828), and their cousin Charles Pinckney (1757–1824). These three South Carolina men played leading roles in military, political, economic, social, and diplomatic affairs on the state and national stages from the American Revolution through the War of 1812.

The Pinckney Statesmen Papers is intended for scholars, teachers, researchers, students, and ordinary curious-minded people. Check it out!

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